Our service is very personalised, so we invite you to contact us direct on our mobiles or by email. You are welcome to chat with us first so that we can direct you to the best person to address your particular circumstances.
Referral methods include:
Employee Assistance Programs:
You can access us through your work’s EAP, simply ring us to arrange an appointment.
Private Patient:
As a private patient, you may have been referred, by a friend, Specialist Physician, Dietician, Nutritionist or other Health Professional. You can claim through your private health insurance if you have Psychology listed under your extras. Bring your private health insurance card so that we can process your payment and rebate immediately, at the time of consultation. No need to submit paperwork, in most instances it’s all done electronically!
General Practitioner:
If you've been referred by your GP, they've probably provided you with a "Mental Health Care Plan". This entitles you to a rebate for part of the cost of the consultation through Medicare. Bring the referral and your Medicare card to the consultation so we can process it immediately. If you have been referred to us, by a Specialist or other Health Provider, they might also have suggested you see your GP to assess eligibility for the “Mental Health Care Plan”.
Once again, if you have any queries don’t hesitate to contact one of us directly. If we are unable to answer your call immediately, leave a message and we will return your call promptly.